Living by the rail network

Welcome to our information hub for people who live and work near the rail network. 

We're mindful of how our work affects rail network neighbours. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please email:

How our work may affect you

We operate rail services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We continually maintain and improve the rail network to keep trains running smoothly. Our land includes more than 3,500km of rail corridor and hundreds of level crossings, rail yards, container terminals, depots and stations.

At times railway operations may disrupt people living and working nearby.

Our work can be noisy and take place at all hours. As well as planned line work we sometimes repair rail track at short notice for safety reasons. While we do our best to keep noise and disruption to a minimum, some activities may cause disturbance.

We aim to notify neighbours when particularly disruptive work is planned, such as times when we are working on the rail line for several consecutive nights at one location.

If you are being affected by our work we encourage you to:


Watch this video to learn more about our work near you:

Our work near you

Use the links below to find out more about our common activities on the rail network.

Our partners

We partner with many organisations to keep people and freight moving. These include local councils which fund the metro rail services, and TransDev Wellington and Auckland One Rail which operate them; organisations and individuals who lease our land; and the contractors who maintain our infrastructure.

Get in touch

Contact us

If you have questions or can’t find what you’re looking for, please email: