Featherston's Fox St gets level crossing upgrade

Vehicle and pedestrian level crossing

On 5 June South Wairarapa District Council’s Strategy Working Committee voted to upgrade Featherston’s Fox Street level crossing and keep it open, meaning the Bell and Brandon Street crossings will close to vehicles. The decision was sought by us as part of the Wairarapa Line upgrade. 

The decision follows an online survey that saw a strong preference from the public for keeping the Fox Street level crossing open over Bell Street.   

Of the 167 people who responded, 131 said they would prefer to see the Fox Street crossing upgraded and kept open. Most of the people selecting this option felt it was an important access point for the community, and in particular emergency services. Sixty-two respondents said they would prefer to see Bell Street upgraded, and 10 selected ‘other’.

A big thanks to the community for your strong response. We appreciate the time you have taken to get involved in the process. We will keep updated with plans and progress here, and you are welcome to get in touch any time you have questions. 

Read more about the Wairarapa's level crossings here.