Permit to Enter

Permit to Enter

Formal KiwiRail Permission is required for any work that is within / or that may impact on, our rail operational areas.

You can apply online for a Permit to Enter, or to renew your Permit to Enter, through the Permits and TARs Portal. 

To apply for a permit, CLICK HERE

Before Applying

  • Please ensure that you supply a Purchase Order or Credit Card details on the form. 
  • Failure to have a current Permit to Enter when in the rail corridor is a breach of s73(1) and (2) and s75 of the Railways Act 2005.
  • For safety reasons, all rail protection is planned and managed by KiwiRail’s National Protection Team.

Permits FlowChart - Use this to assist you in determining what permissions you require (Further information below Flowchart)

Permit to enter flowchart 20210325

Situations Where a Permit to Enter May Not Be Required

In certain situations, a Permit to Enter may not be required for accessing KiwiRail sites. These include:

Contractors Quoting for Work:

  • Contractors who are quoting to undertake work directly for KiwiRail (not for third parties)

KiwiRail Employees:

  • Personnel who are directly employed by KiwiRail.

Works Under Direct KiwiRail Supervision:

  • Works being carried out under the direct supervision and control of KiwiRail, provided the following conditions are met:
  1. There must be direct KiwiRail supervision and control for the entire duration of the visit.
  2. The responsible KiwiRail person must always be present.
  3. Only visual inspections and measurements are permitted; no physical works or taking of samples (no breaking ground).

Specific Areas and Additional Considerations

KiwiRail Operational Terminals/Facilities: (Non Interlocked Yards)

Non-interlocked areas include Freight, RSAS / Mechanical Facilities beyond 5m of mainline track. 

Assessment and Permits:

  • KiwiRail will assess each situation to determine if a Permit to Enter is required.
  • Site safety permits issued and supervised by the site may also be necessary.
  • If you are working within 5 metres of the mainline track a Permit to Enter will be required.

Protection Requirements in Non-Interlocked Yards

When working in non-interlocked yards, protection requirements may differ based on regional regulations and specific site conditions. 

Best practice guidance: 

1. WorkSafe guidance for road workers working near the rail corridor

2. Traffic management considerations (decision chart)

Essential information is provided on the following pages:

- Required documentation

- Permit and Protection costs

- Additional Permits

- Track Access Requests

- Training and Inductions

- Permit Office Details


Permit to enter flowchart 20210325