Welcome to the resource page for the KiwiRail Permits and TARs Portal.
Here, you’ll find a comprehensive user guide designed to assist you.
If you encounter any difficulties in accessing or navigating the portal, don’t worry - we’ve got you covered with a variety of help resources right here.
Additionally, we offer video tutorials that demonstrate how to utilise various functions of the portal effectively.
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact the Protection Team.
Use the following videos to guide you through our processes:
This video explains how to create an account and sign into the Permits and TARs Portal.
This video explains how to lodge an application for a Permit to Enter.
This video explains how to review, sign and return your draft Permit to Enter, and how to review and approve your permit fee.
This video explains how to request access to the section of rail network where your activity will take place.
Please note, you can only apply for track access once you have been issued with an approved Permit to Enter.