Rail plays an important role in New Zealand, avoiding transport emissions and road congestion by transporting millions of people each year on Auckland and Wellington commuter services.
Given rail has 70 per cent fewer carbon emissions per tonne carried, compared to road freight, growing rail freight volumes is a crucial way of reducing emissions from the transport sector as a whole.
Investment in the national rail network is crucial to delivering service reliability, for commuters in Auckland and Wellington and KiwiRail’s freight customers across the country.
The Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP) details investment in New Zealand’s rail network over a three-year period. In includes funding from the National Land Transport Fund and Government Budgets.
For KiwiRail, each RNIP (within a 10 year forecast) enables more effective investment decision making, supports and creates new jobs, and provides certainty to ourselves and to customers. It is the basis on which better and more reliable services to customers can be provided, ultimately resulting in greater volumes on rail.
The current RNIP (2024 – 27) is available here. The investment focus for rail is:
Aligning to this, the majority of spend is on the continuous programmes of maintenance, management and renewal.
KiwiRail prepares the RNIP in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and the statutory requirements set under section 102A. The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) is required to monitor the extent to which the RNIP contributes to the purposes of the LTMA and is consistent with the Government Policy Statement on land transport. NZTA prepares annual reports on KiwiRail’s delivery of the RNIP which can be found using the link below:
Rail Network Investment Programme annual report (nzta.govt.nz)
KiwiRail's approved procurement procedures are available here.