OL5 640x800

Wellington Metro & Lower North Island

KiwiRail is getting Wellington's rail network ready for the faster, more frequent trains planned by Greater Wellington in coming years. This work is a combination of major upgrade projects to improve the network's capacity and performance, and catch-up renewal work that has been delayed due to cost.

What we're working on...

  • Installing new power systems for the overhead lines and signals
  • Renewing tracks, including in tunnels, and refurbishing bridges
  • Building additional track layouts, passing loops and platforms so more trains can run
  • Stabilising slopes
  • Making level crossings safer


What's the impact?

  • Buses will sometimes replace trains when we are working.
  • For information on train services in your area, visit Metlink.
  • For upcoming short-term works and disruption, check Where we are working.

What's going on in your area?

Double track Trentham v2

Hutt Valley Line

We've double-tracked the line from Trentham to Upper Hutt

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Mobile crop 800 x 640 1


We're carrying out major maintenance and upgrades

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Plimmerston Christmas works

Kapiti & Horowhenua

We've upgrading the capacity of the line with new and upgraded substations

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Wellington Station OLE

Wellington Railway Station

We've upgraded the signalling system and improved the track layouts

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Jville Tunnel

Johnsonville Line

We’ve upgraded power equipment, track and drainage systems

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