Johnsonville Line

We’re doing significant work on the Johnsonville Line to allow trains to run more frequently, safely and reliably.

In progress:

  • Slope strengthening
  • Track renewal
  • Sleeper replacement
  • Culvert and drainage work


  • Overhead electrical system renewals
  • Tunnel upgrades
  • Refurbishment of the level crossing at Station Road in Khandallah
IMG 2858
Overhead line renewals

In 2021, we upgraded the overhead line electrical equipment all along the Johnsonville Line. A lot of this equipment, including wooden masts and wiring, dated back to the 1930s.

Installing the modern traction system included building foundations for the new steel poles, installing the new structures and running new wiring.

Tunnel track work

In 2021, we replaced the sleepers in all seven tunnels on the Johnsonville Line.

The work involved replacing around 1600 wooden sleepers with more resilient concrete ones in the tunnels, each of which is between 100m and 200m long.

Jville Tunnel


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