Kapiti & Horowhenua

During our works, some train services may be affected. Visit Metlink to find out about bus replacements.

Substations - in progress

Substations take power from the local supply and convert it to the voltage needed by the trains. The trains then draw the power from the overhead wires. 

KiwiRail needs to upgrade some existing substations and build a new substation on the Kapiti Line to power the increased services that Metlink is planning. In December 2024, the Minister for Transport announced a funding boost to deliver these upgrades.

Plimmerton Station BoL works Sept 2023

Manawatu Line scoping work - in progress

KiwiRail, Greater Wellington, and Horizons Regional Council are working together to introduce new trains and associated rail infrastructure to the Manawatu line. 

From 2029 the number of services between Palmerston North and Wellington will increase from two to eight per day, bringing our regions closer together, and offering more choice to commuters. 

Greater Wellington has begun the procurement process for the new trains, and Kiwirail is looking at what’s needed to ensure the line is ready for their arrival. 

Upgrade work on the line is due to begin in 2026, with the new trains arriving for service and operating on the more frequent timetable from 2029.  This project is part of the funding package announced by Government in July 2024.  Government upgrading Lower North Island commuter rail | Beehive.govt.nz 

The work involves: 

  • Assessing, and where needed improving safety at level crossings, to address the additional risk that comes with faster moving and more frequent trains.  We have begun talking with Councils and road users to learn more how these work as part of the roading network, and what might need to change.  
  • Building and extending passing loops between Waikanae and Palmerston North, to enable more trains to travel on the line at the same time.
  • Expanding the ‘stabling yard’ at Palmerston North Station. This is where the new trains will be stored.
  • Reviewing station platforms to ensure they are at the correct height for the new trains.

Kapiti Line upgrade - mostly complete

We are bringing the Kapiti Line up to a modern standard. This work includes upgraded station facilities, improved signalling, and the installation of a modern overhead power system.

Plimmerton Station upgrade - complete

A new platform at Plimmerton Station will reduce congestion, provide greater timetable resilience and lead to a higher frequency of services in the future.

The works also involved building additional shelters, constructing a third track through Plimmerton Station, realigning some of the existing track, resurfacing the existing central platform, and improving the underpass.



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