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A better rail network for passengers and freight customers is on its way.

Passenger services will ramp up with the opening of the City Rail Link and freight tonnage will continue to increase in the years ahead. Underpinning this is the drive to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector, as our country moves towards net zero carbon by 2050. Moving people and freight off road and onto rail, is vital to achieving this goal.

KiwiRail and Auckland Transport are working with Waka Kotahi to ensure Auckland’s rail network is up to the task. We are working to build a network that can support more frequent passenger services, with faster journey times, and greater capacity for freight trains.

The Government is investing more than $1.5 billion to improve the resilience of underlying track infrastructure across Auckland and on a range of new rail projects - to ease congestion in the busiest part of the network, extend the electrified network south to Pukekohe and building three new train stations in the growing, southern part of Auckland.

This work is in addition to KiwiRail's daily essential maintenance activities that keep Auckland's rail network running safely.

Improvement projects underway

Drury stations AT

New stations for southern Auckland

Three train stations are planned, two at Drury and one in Paerata, to support future growth

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Night welding Westfield Junction

The third main line

We're building a third rail line between Westfield and Wiri to ease congestion on the busiest section of the network

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Work supporting the CRL

KiwiRail is delivering construction projects on the network, required to support new CRL infrastructure

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Maintenance work

We continuously carry out essential maintenance activities to keep Auckland's rail network running safely

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Strategic Metro Investments

Strategic Rail Programme: A 30-year vision

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Avondale to Southdown Rail Corridor

Early planning for the cross-Auckland isthmus rail corridor

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Pre built crossover Papakura to Pukekohe

Bringing electric trains to Pukekohe

We're extending the overhead power system from Papakura to Pukekohe and redeveloping Pukehoke Station

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