Where we are working

KiwiRail and its contractors are always working to maintain and upgrade Wellington's rail network. Our teams try to keep disturbance to a minimum, but sometimes you will notice work going on in your area. 

This page lists significant upcoming short-term activity and disruption in the Wellington region. (Short-notice maintenance jobs to keep the trains running safely are not usually listed here.) 

Jump to    Johnsonville Line  |  Wairarapa Line 
OLE Wellington

Johnsonville Line

  • Crofton Downs: Rail replacement on Bridge 2AA (crosses Churchill Drive just north of Crofton Downs Station)
    • 10 - 13 Feb: Occasional lane closures on Churchill Drive
    • 17 - 19 Feb: Occasional lane closures on Churchill Drive

Wairarapa Line

  • December - Feb: road closure at the Kent Street level crossing while full upgrade is completed. 


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